Whew! The last 3 months have just been a whirlwind of change, and the Growth game here is strong as ever!
In observing myself from within and reconsidering what IS currently important to me, I discover so much that is changing about myself!
So much so that I barely even recognize myself at times. In the silence of my mind, there are several sudden breakthroughs, and after a few breakdowns, and SO many tears shed, I rediscover my true, authentic, wonderful self. Autonomous as can be! Hmm…
For wisdom and insight, I turn to a random page in Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World. Scroll VI it is, and this is the page that stands out…
“When I feel depressed, I sing.
When I feel sad, I laugh.
When I feel ill, I double my labor.
When I feel inferior, I wear new garments.
When I feel uncertain, I raise my voice.
When I feel poverty, I think of wealth to come.
When I feel incompetent, I remember past success.
When I feel insignificant, I remember my goals.
TODAY, I AM MASTER OF MY EMOTIONS!”Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World
SO… stepping back for a few months, and summing it all up…
No! I really don’t need all of the belongings that I mentioned in my last blog post, and this is one heck of a Hero’s Journey!
Embrace Change
In the middle of sorting through all of these things and emotions, my youngest daughter calls…
Grandbaby #3 is on her way, a month early!
Naturally, I stop sorting, and immediately hit the road for the 17-hour drive that is in front of me. I drive it straight through, (which I’ve done 3 additional times during this summer as well) Road trip, anyone? lol!
I stay a couple weeks here outside of Denver, with my daughters and grandkids. I discover that I really love it here, and those wheels start spinning…
Then I fly out to Kauai to spend a week with my MKE family at our annual MasterKey Experience Live retreat. Oh my Goodness! Perfection surrounds me.
There are several new lifetime friends that I made this year, and one very slippery slope- when it started raining during a hike on Sleeping Giant! Ha-ha! This is a blog post of its own, saved for a later point in time!
I returned to Colorado anew, and…
Last month, I moved, yet again, this time from Texas to Colorado, to be closer to my extended immediate family.
This weather, these roads well-travelled, these mountains, valleys, and farms…
Oh my goodness! This is Perfect, for now! So many miles driven, so many photos, and so much to share!
As I unpack some of my belongings here in Colorado, my eyes turn to my goal poster that I made during MKE class back in 2016. Wow! I just totally stunned myself, yet again! A lot of those goals are now reality!
In fact, I’ve always wanted to visit Costa Rica, and here in 3 short weeks, I’m doing just that! I’m so excited to be off on yet another really cool adventure!
Effortlessly Manifesting? You Betcha’!
Join us for this year’s Master Key Experience course to learn how to manifest the life of your dreams in the here and now.
Stay Tuned!